There is a new Toys R Us in town. We decided to go to the grand opening...why you might ask? Well Barbie was going to be there and Jordan couldnt live without seeing the "real princess". So we went, it was so crowded! We had to find Barbie first and say hello. Jordan loved her of course. Then we decided to stand in the never ending line of face painting. It is not that there was a long line, it is just that the clown painting was painting the whole face of the children, and was reallllly slow. Thats okay because the Hannah Montana cd was playing the whole time. Jordan loved that. Then another clown made Jordan a bracelet. Im wondering when I will get her to take that off...
So Jordan gets up there. Im expecting her to tell the clown that she wants something "girly". The other girls were getting butterflies and princess things. Well Jordan wants a jack o' lantern on her face. It was so cute. I loved it. After that we decided to go to storytime. Jordan was very involved in that. It was really cute. They were pirates for a moment and then bears. She loved that. All while this was going on i was relaxing in a recliner....nice. Afterwards we got to meet Spiderman, Funshine bear, Donatello from the ninja turtles, Strawberry Shortcake, Geoffrey the giraffe, Arthur and dont forget BARBIE again. They were all so cool! Then she had a motorized boat follow her around and talk to her. She was a bit confused about that! Then we had to go get a balloon for "baby Kiley" she just had to have one Jordan said.
After the toy store we decided to go eat at the mall. Then we had to check out the toys at the disney store for her Christmas list. While walking through the mall people kept stopping us and talking about Jordans face. She would then say.."I got this at Toys R Us. They are open right now. Do you need to know the way? My mom can tell you." I felt like she was an advertisement. It was funny. She also would just randomly wave at people who would just glance at her like they were long lost friends. It was great. Then after all that we went for ice cream in the freezing cold.
It was such a nice day. It had been a while since i got to spend time with just Jordan. (Kiley Jane stayed home with daddy.) I have to say, I will always go to grand openings of toy stores. It was awesome!
4 months ago